What You Need to Know

Project Overview

This project reviewed two alternatives for reducing flooding in the Schoonmaker Creek Watershed. Alternative A is a 10-foot diameter tunnel, bored deep underground from N Lloyd St along N 68th St to discharge at the Menomonee River. Alternative A is shown as a red-dashed line in the graphic to the right. Alternative B is a more traditional storm sewer improvement consisting of a large box culvert (ranging from 6'x12' to 6'x16’) starting at W Lloyd St and running south along Martha Washington Dr/W Martin Dr/N 60th St to discharge at the Menomonee River. Alternative B is shown as a solid orange line on the graphic. Both alternatives (A&B) would also include systemic improvements to the storm sewers north of Lloyd St to direct surface floodwaters into the new improvements downstream, shown as the blue shading area on the graphic.

Both alternatives would reduce surface flooding in the watershed, while simultaneously reducing flows in the open channel portion of Schoonmaker Creek for events ranging from the 1-year up to and including the 100-year, 24-hour rainfall events.

Purpose and Need

The purpose of this project is to select a flood mitigation alternative that will reduce surface flooding in the Schoonmaker Creek Watershed. The City has completed a comprehensive evaluation of both options. In October, staff will provide a recommendation to the City Council for future construction.

History of the Project

The Schoonmaker Creek watershed is made up of roughly 1,900 acres (3.0 square miles) in the City of Wauwatosa and the City of Milwaukee. Most of the original Schoonmaker Creek has been enclosed in pipes. Only the short reach in the City of Wauwatosa between W Lloyd St and Milwaukee Ave remains as an open channel. The watershed has experienced numerous heavy storm events since 1986 (when documentation began), causing flooding to streets, homes, and businesses due to the limited capacity of the enclosed system.

In 2020, SEWRPC completed a high-level analysis of alternatives to reduce flooding in the watershed. In 2022, Wauwatosa’s Common Council recommended that two (2) alternatives from the SEWRPC report be further evaluated (alternatives A and B from the prior page) including more advanced modeling, development of 30% engineering design plans and development of detailed cost estimates. This study is now mostly completed, and the City engineering staff are preparing a recommendation for the Common Council to proceed with design and construction of one of the alternatives.

Project Timeline

  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    March 5, 2013

    Wauwatosa's Common Council approved a resolution to request the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) jurisdiction March 5, 2013.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    March 25, 2014

    MMSD Commission approved the jurisdiction request on March 25, 2014

    • Jurisdiction covers Schoonmaker Creek from W. Lloyd St to the confluence with the Menomonee River
    • Local storm sewers, ponded areas and sanitary sewer systems are the responsibility of the city
  • Timeline item 3 - complete


    In 2014, MMSD requested that the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC) perform a planning study of alternative approaches to mitigate flooding within the Schoonmaker Creek Watershed.

  • Timeline item 4 - complete


    Many years of work followed the request, including stakeholder and public input. Summary of results were presented to public officials on June 14, 2016 and to neighborhood associations on January 24, 2017.

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Dec. 2020

    Comprehensive report with 16 alternatives was finalized by SEWRPC in December of 2020.

  • Timeline item 6 - complete


    Throughout 2021 and into 2022, city staff evaluated sixteen alternatives and recommended a detailed analysis for three options.

  • Timeline item 7 - complete

    July 2022

    The Community Affairs Committee and Wauwatosa's Common Council recommended a detailed analysis of two of the 3 recommended alternatives by city staff. The third alternative, including work to the open channel portion of the watershed, was removed from consideration.

  • Timeline item 8 - complete

    Spring 2023

    In the Spring of 2023, the city hired a consulting engineer to perform the two analyses.

  • Timeline item 9 - active

    Sept. 12, 2024

    The public is invited to attend an information meeting to learn more about the project on Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024.

  • Timeline item 10 - incomplete

    Oct. 2024

    City staff will present final recommendations to the Community Affairs Committee and Wauwatosa's Common Council in October 2024.

  • Timeline item 11 - incomplete


    The earliest any construction would begin is 2027.