There are 3 Alternatives for Each Roadway Section on North Avenue. You’ll notice bicycle/pedestrian improvements and ways to improve traffic flow.
Improving Safety and Accessibility on North Avenue
The City of Wauwatosa, in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), is replacing the North Avenue bridges over the Menomonee River as well as redesigning North Avenue between N. Met to Wee Lane and N. 73rd Street. The reconstruction of the North Ave and Wauwatosa Avenue (WIS 181) intersection will be a part of a separate project.
What You Need to Know
Your Input Matters! The online survey is now closed, but your input will influence the next stage in our process.
Please contact Jeni Schroeder or Andre Ost with additional comments or questions. -
This project is 80% funded with state and federal funding. We’re maximizing these types of funds for this large project.
Project Goals & Timeline
The goal of this project is to replace aging bridge structures, address deteriorated pavement and roadway infrastructure, and improve safety and mobility for all users, including motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians.
The project team is currently gathering data before moving into the preliminary phases of design. Residents may see survey crews collecting information for design surveys, environmental studies, soil borings, traffic counts, utility locations, and other data.
The team is evaluating safety, operations, and multi-modal transportation needs for the corridor. As part of this process, they are considering different options for redesigning the North Avenue corridor, including improving the Menomonee River Parkway intersection and looking at different bike lane options, such as on-street lanes or separated bicycle facilities.
Construction of the North Avenue Project is currently scheduled to begin in 2027.
Want to learn more and/or share your thoughts on the project? Join us at the next public involvement meeting!
Timeline item 1 - incomplete
October 22, 2024: Public Involvement Meeting #1
Project team to present feasible design alternatives that look to improve the safety and traffic concerns, and gathering public feedback on each alternative.
- Time: 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
- Short Presentation: 5:30 p.m.
- Location: Wauwatosa Public Library - Firefly Room: 7635 W North Ave
Timeline item 2 - incomplete
Spring 2025: Public Involvement Meeting #2
Project team to present the preferred corridor design alternative and gather public support for the preferred alternative, which will complete the project’s environmental documentation.
Timeline item 3 - incomplete
Summer 2026: Public Involvement Meeting #3
Project team to present pre-final design plans and information about construction staging and changes to access. Gather public input about design specifics and potential construction concerns.
Timeline item 4 - incomplete
Spring 2027: Start of Construction
Did You Miss the First Public Involvement Meeting?
Catch up and view the materials presented at the public meeting below:
- Public Involvement Meeting Presentation
- All Public Involvement Meeting Exhibits
- Alternative Exhibits
- Click the link to download the full street designs for each alternative.
- Let us know what you think about the alternative designs by clicking the button below.