The City of Wauwatosa completed a Housing Study and Needs Assessment in early 2023. This is an ongoing research project to understand and address the housing needs of Wauwatosa residents. The data collected in this study is used to identify potential zoning changes, programs to assist residents afford rent or housing payments, and understand how the population of Wauwatosa is currently living, and how it has changed in the past years. This page is dedicated to explaining the basic information found in the study, the challenges identified by those who studied the data, and the plans made to address housing problems in the City of Wauwatosa.

Key Findings

  • The population is growing faster than expected.
  • Wauwatosa's population is getting younger, more affluent, educated, and racially diverse.
  • Wauwatosa continues to be a major employment center for Health Care and Professional Services
  • Housing values and rents have increased.
    • Since 2020, home values have increased by 24% and rents have increased by 20%.
  • New housing construction is mostly multifamily housing.
    • 1,857 units have been built since 2015, and 652 are planned.
  • Affordability is the leading housing-related concern of residents.
  • 25.7% of total households were considered housing cost burdened in 2020. This means the household spends more than 30% of their income on housing.
  • Nearly 70% of existing housing is over 60 years old.
  • Current housing needs are not addressed by older housing.

Key Challenges

  • Identified Through Data Analysis

    • Constricted supply of deed-restricted affordable housing, which includes options for low-income families, seniors, and individuals.
    • Limited housing options for the local workforce
    • Limited housing options for starter homes for young families
  • Identified with Data and Public Engagement

    • Lack of newer middle housing such as rental and for-sale small cottages, condos, duplexes
    • Limited options for active seniors
  • Identified through Public Engagement

    • Limited physically accessible housing, and existing physically accessible housing is not affordable
    • Need for physical improvements to existing housing supply
    • Lack of consistent information about new housing development

Action Planning

City staff have taken actions to lessen the burden of housing insecurities in Wauwatosa. Currently, there are action steps that have been identified as realistic ways to solve needs across the City of Wauwatosa.

The City of Wauwatosa has developed a Housing Rehabilitation Program to address the aging stock of homes across the City. Single-family home and duplex owners can apply for funding through the City of Wauwatosa to maintain aging features of their home. Eligibility is income based, and dependent on several factors. Find more information about this program at our Housing Rehabilitation Webpage.

Many individuals in Wauwatosa have identified that a land trust program could benefit the City's housing needs. A land trust involved the City purchasing land and homes, and allowing individuals to buy the homes on the land, but not the land. This allows for Wauwatosa to maintain a stock of land to be used for housing. Creation and feasibility currently being discussed by ad-hoc Community Land Trust Formation Committee.