City of Wauwatosa Comprehensive Plan

The City of Wauwatosa is updating the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Wauwatosa’s Comprehensive Plan will serve as the City’s official guide for land use and development for the next 20 years. Informed by community consensus, community vision, existing conditions, and future potentials, the Comprehensive Plan will be a road map to the future, guiding policy decisions and helping the community achieve its long-term goals.

The Comprehensive Plan will address several topics, including land use, housing and neighborhoods, economic development, transportation and mobility, community facilities and infrastructure, and parks and open space.

When completed, the Wauwatosa Comprehensive Plan will be the product of the community, with a vision and recommendations guided by valuable input received from residents, business owners, community leaders, and other stakeholders. We anticipate a finalized comprehensive plan by Winter 2024.

Go to for the latest updates, upcoming meetings, and ways to participate.