Background on the park

For years, Wauwatosa's city plans called for a park on the west side, but we lacked the funds to make it happen. Then, in April 2022, the Common Council allocated $2 million for the development of a new park. These funds are from the American Rescue Plan Act. Wauwatosa has also secured millions in grants for stormwater improvements and other park features. To date, we've secured over $4 million in grant funds for this park. The park is 100% funded by grants and not property tax dollars.

City staff, with input from the public and the Parks and Forestry Board, completed conceptual planning for the park, and this was approved at a previous Parks and Forestry Board meeting. The plan includes walking trails, a sledding hill, a playground, a pavilion, a mountain bike pump track, solar panels, a sculpture garden, and stormwater/natural features.

We will be constructing the new park in 2024 and 2025, although some of the features above (most notably the mountain bike pump track and solar panels) may come at a future date.

Park Closed Until Grand Opening

The park is closed to the public during construction. Look for a grand opening after Memorial Day 2025.


To date, we've secured over $4 million in grants. There are no local taxpayer dollars in the construction of the park.

Donations and Naming Rights

This project offers significant opportunities for partnership, donor, grants, and/or naming right funding. If you are interested in making a donation or exploring naming rights please contact Wauwatosa Public Works at (414) 471-8422.

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