Learn about the development proposal

The applicant is requesting approval of a preliminary planned unit development (PUD) to construct a four-story, multi-family residential housing project on an approximately 0.8 acre site. The proposed project consists 41 apartments with a mix of one, two, and three bedroom units. The main building entrance is located at the corner of 114th Street and the ground floor serves as a parking garage with residential units located on the upper floors. Vehicular access to the site is provided from 114th Street and 115th Street with 71 parking spaces onsite (41 garage spaces and 30 surface spaces). Short-term bicycle parking is provided at the east end of the building adjacent to the main entrance at 114th Street and long-term bicycle storage is provided inside the parking garage. Community amenities include a club room, rooftop terrace, fitness room, rooftop solar, and electric vehicle chargers.

The 2022 Wauwatosa vacancy rate for buildings with 4-25 units was 2.5% and for buildings with 26+ units was 2.2%. Given pent up demand from many years where no housing was constructed, the City’s large non-resident workforce population, and continued developer interest in undertaking multi-family projects, demonstrates there remains demand for apartments at varying rent levels.